I was thinking about getting a white polish for a while now, but all the whites that I tried in the past were either very chalky or weren't opaque enough. So when I noticed there is a white in that collection (for only 2,5TL) I grabbed it hoping it will be amazing. The fact that it has a sticker "the pearl" on the lid kind of worried me, but only for a second. Now is it any good?
As I said I love Essence so I really wanted to like this polish. It's very pretty in the bottle - white with a subtle pink/orange shimmer. The name of the polish is very accurate - it does remind me of a lily or maybe of an orchid? Very, very pretty. But the formulation could be better. It's not opaque enough for my taste and it looks patchy on the nails. I used 3 not so thin coats and I am still not satisfied.
If you are worried about the pearl finish - don't be. It's not a cheap, horrible pearl. I would say it's a shiny polish with a bit of shimmer and that's it. The shimmer is not as pretty on the nail as it is in the bottle, but that's usually the case with shimmery polishes. If I don't look too hard I quite like the way it looks, I think it might be very pretty with a bit of a tan so I will probably give it another try in a couple of weeks. I don't hate it but I also don't really like it. At least it dries pretty fast and doesn't chip much.
And these are all 4 polishes that I picked up from Rossmann. More about them soon :)
Uwielbiam Essence za ceny, za jakość, za dostępność, za szeroką gamę produktów, a zwłaszcza za limitki. Do Turcji nie dociera wszystko, dlatego każda limitowana edycja, którą widzę w stambulskich Rossmannach wywołuje u mnie ogromną radość. Niedawno weszła u nas limitka Floral Grunge, z której podobały mi się tylko lakiery, więc chwyciłam prawie wszystkie. Na pierwszy ogień poszedł biały lakier, Lily Bloom - mam ostatnio niesamowitą fazę na białe i pastelowe kolory, im bielsze tym lepiej ;) a ten ma dodatkowo śliczny połysk w buteleczce - pomarańczowo-różowy. Na paznokciach nie jest już aż tak widoczny. Lakier nakłada się cieżko, trzy grubsze warstwy nadal nie kryją dokładnie. Wykończenie nie jest perłowe, jak sugeruje naklejka na zakrętce, co bardzo mnie cieszy.
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