Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Cream

I was always avoiding duty free shops at the airports, I thought everything there was overpriced and luxurious, but I think I'm getting old, because now I spend more and more time there every time I travel.

A couple of months ago I found a Burt's Bees sample set (Head to toe kit) at one of the airports in Berlin. There are 6 products in the kit (a lip balm, face cleanser, shower gel, hand salve, body cream and a foot cream). I had never used anything by Burt's Bees, but I knew the brand and I knew their products are natural and don't have any nasty chemicals in them, so I grabbed it and I couldn't wait to try it.

I like taking care of my feet, I like them to look nice, I want them soft and pretty :) So I was happy to see that the set contained a natural foot cream. And it's supposed to smell like coconuts? Great! The smell is actually amazing - coconut and mint, very summery and refreshing, the smell is probably my favourite thing about this product. Unfortunately there is not much more that I love about it, it doesn't really work for me. I use it in the evenings, I put a generous amount of the cream on my feet, massage it in, put some cotton socks on and go to bed. In the morning my feet are just as they were the day before.

The consistency is kind of weird - a bit oily, a bit sticky (like honey), not watery but also not very thick. I don't know why it's called a cream, it's definitely not like other foot creams I have tried before. It has a slightly yellowish colour.

I don't have much left, so I will use it up and probably never get it again. It's not a very bad product, I just think my skin needs something else. If I ever decide to get a sample kit again and this cream is in it - I will not throw it away or give it to someone else, because the smell is amazing and I don't hate the product after all, but I don't think I will ever consider getting a full-size version of the product on its own.

When you can't squeeze any more cream out of the tube, make sure to cut it open - there is still a LOT of product inside!

Lubię dbać o stopy przez cały rok, ale latem (prawdopodobnie jak większość z Was), zwracam na nie szczególną uwagę, dlatego bardzo się ucieszyłam, że w skład zestawu próbek Burt's Bees, który kupiłam na lotnisku w Berlinie wchodzi właśnie krem do stóp. Do tego kokosowy! Zapach kremu jest obłędny - kokosowo-miętowy, dla mnie pachnie jak wakacje w tubce :) Ale na tym plusy się kończą, bo krem nie robi absolutnie nic. Nakładam go obficie na noc, zakładam skarpetki, a rano budzę się ze stopami w takim samym stanie jak przed pójściem spać. Ostatnio użyłam go nawet wymieszanego z olejem kokosowym, licząc na odrobinę nawilżenia, ale to też nie pomogło. Sama konsystencja kremu też nie jest zachęcająca - nie jest to właściwie krem, to coś na kształt gęstego oleju wymieszanego z miodem - tłustego i lepkiego. Bardzo chciałam polubić ten krem, bo podoba mi się filozofia firmy Burt's Bees i fajnie by było mieć pięknie pachnący, naturalny krem do pielęgnacji stóp, ale nie tym razem. Jeszcze kiedyś trafi mi się on w jakimś zestawie to na pewno go nie wyrzucę, ale nie kupię pełnowymiarowej wersji tego produktu. 


  1. Też miałam ten kremik, zbyt lepki :)

  2. I need a foot cream all year round. This one looks really great. How is the scent? Really peppermint? Sometimes lush's scents are just too much for me

    1. it smells more like coconut than peppermint :)

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